Thursday, May 31, 2012

New Book Published!

Wow.  It has been a really long time since I've been on here.  Quite frankly, life has been rather crazy. I recently relocated from Texas to California - that's a change in cultures as well as time zones, so life has been happening over the last half year.  Meanwhile I've published another book, "Return to Arethane."

This is my baby.  It may be my second book published, but it's the first I ever wrote, the one that got me into writing to begin with.  So I'm anxious and nervous about getting it out to there.  I'm anxious and nervous about people reading it.  These characters have become real to me.  I want people to love them the way I do.  I want the world to embrace it.  Embrace it, damnit!

The link is below.  And the cover.  It's fantastic, I love it and Najla is an incredible artist.
Here's to making elves the new vampire!

Return to Arethane

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