Sunday, May 12, 2013

May's Reader Spotlight

Hello, kids!
I feel like it's been months since I've been here; I've spent the last week in Texas for work and to spend time with family.  It was lovely seeing everyone and I missed home so much but I'm very happy to be back to NorCal and back to my little life.

So I come back to bring you May's Reader Spotlight.  Sorry in being delayed in this, like I said before, it's been a little crazy.  This month's Reader is another close friend of mine, Beth Weston!  She's become a great resource in my writing, and is someone with whom I can hold endless, tireless, passionate conversations about reading.  So she was a perfect choice for my second RS.  Welcome, Beth!

First off, a few get-to-know-you details:
Age:  39
Hometown/Where you live:  Lewisville, Texas

Welcome to the second Reader Spotlight!  Share with our blog viewers out there your reading habits - I know you are Speedy Gonzalez with the reading, but what's your favorite place to read? Favorite time of the day to read?  If you could pick the PERFECT place to escape to with a book, where would that be?

Um, is it bad to say that I love to read anywhere?  My absolute favorite place is my bed though.  Normally before I go to bed.  My perfect place would definitely be a quiet location where it's raining outside, when I can stay in a baggy sweatshirt and yoga pants.  Comfort is a must for reading

In order from least to most, what would you say your top three books are?

That is SUCH a hard one because I have read so many.  Top three ever would be
3)  Return of the King - Tolkein
2)  Elfstones of Shannara - Terry Brooks
1)  Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach
Favorite author?

I honestly cannot answer that question.  I love so many different types of books that I can't nail down one specific author.  I do have favorites depending on genre.  I love Terry Brooks and Robert Jordan for epic fantasy, Kresley Cole for her amazing paranormal romance series Immortals After Dark.  Also love YA authors, Kelly Riad, Jennifer Armentrout, M. Leighton for their YA paranormal/fantasy works.  Then there are the classics.  You absolutely cannot go wrong with CS Lewis, JRR Tolkein, or Jane Austen.

Aw, thanks for the shout-out!  So what do you look for in a main character?  Do you want him/her to be some butt-kicking badass, a level-headed pacifist, a hot-tempered hero?

I have different desires for main characters.  If the main character is a female, I want her to be fiery, independent, and have the amazing ability to kick ass, either with her fists/abilities, or with a quick wit.  (Even better with both!)  When it comes to guys, the more Alpha, the better, in my opinion!  As long as he's not a total douche about it all the time.

What are your character pet-peeves? 

I really don't like to read books that have a ton of inner dialogue, especially when the main character is doubting everything about themselves.  Not a fan of that.

What do you look for by the time your finish a book?  What expectations do you have going into a book?

The answer to those depends on what book I'm reading.  If I am reading a book in a series, I expect certain story lines to have been brought forward, but not necessarily resolved.  I love to hate cliffhanger endings.  It seems that there are very little stand alone books these days and I do miss that.  I being able to walk away from a book with a concise ending.  When I find one of those books I expect it to have a straightforward plot that moves smoothly.  I like side plots, but sometimes they can actually detract from a good clean story line.

What draws you to pick up a book in the first place, or more importantly, lay down some hard earned money on?

If I am not already familiar with an author, a lot of times, the cover draws me to a book.  If I am familiar with the author, most of the time that is all I need to get the book.  Lately, I have been reading recommended reads from my kindle app, so I really rely on the reviews the book has to make the recommendation.

What are you currently reading?

Well, if I were to answer this question, I'd be done with the book before this gets posted on your blog :)  Lately, I have been on a Jane Austen kick, so I have been reading regency romances!  They are sweet.  My next big investment will be the latest book by Terry Brooks.  It just came out last week and I am going to pick up the hardcover at the store soon :)

What kind of story would you love to read, but just can’t seem to find?

That's a good one!  I love to read  dystopian novels.  I would love to read a fresh dystopian novel that involves a future that hasn't been written about yet.  I might actually have an idea in the brewing in my head :)

A BIG thank you to Beth for participating in my little Reader Spotlight.  Check in next month for the next one.  Until then, I hope to provide a few writing updates.  Oh, also, I plan to see The Great Gatsby with the husband soon, so expect a movie review of that.


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